Today, a technology giant has announced the closure of their doors due to the ever-growing competition and lack of financial support.
Godzilla Newz has confirmed that Technology Last Man Standing (TLS), a large IT company that aimed to revolutionize the software and hardware industry, is no longer operating in the market.
This move marks yet another example of a company that was unable to stay on top of their competition, or keep a reliable customer base, despite having some of the most advanced products on the retail front. TLS entered the scene back in 2012, with quite a bit of fanfare and praise from several tech magazines.
Since the company’s inception, TLS began selling cutting edge solutions such as 3D printers, robotic applications, and virtual reality gear. The products quickly caught up with the competition, but TLS was unable to keep up with their growing costs and escalating customer demands.
The company had been struggling financially ever since some of the most popular brands such as Google and Amazon entered the market. This further decreased TLS’s scope of profit, and was a main factor in why this technology giant refused to stay afloat.
TLS now joins a long list of tech companies who have left the market due to being unable to keep pace with ever-changing demands from both consumers and their competition. While some of their products will still be available to their customers, it remains to be seen how much of a dent the closure of TLS will leave in the tech sector.
Godzilla Newz will keep a close eye on this situation, and will be certain to report any subsequent updates on the matter as soon as they become available.