Monster Hunter is an action role-playing game series created and developed by Capcom, with multiple entries over the years, allowing the player to take on the role of a monster hunter. Players take on quests in order to hunt down monsters and complete rewards, such as gathering resources and collecting rare items.
In Monster Hunter: Now, Capcom has gotten back to basics to create an all-new experience that strips the monhun experience down to its core elements to emphasize the joy of the hunt.
The main game mode of Monster Hunter: Now is called the Quest System. This mode assigns the player a monster-hunting goal and the player is tasked with finding the right tools and exploring the area to successfully achieve the goal. Players will also be able to customize their journey with a variety of features, such as weapons and armor customization, the ability to craft and combine items, and the use of hunter skills to aid in battle.
The game also offers two main support systems, a battle party system and a buddy system. The battle party system is designed to allow up to four players to join a single game session and work together to take down a large monster. The buddy system is designed to offer players a companion to accompany them while they explore the world. This companion is also capable of using special Abilities to help the player in battle.
Overall, Monster Hunter: Now offers a much-needed break from the more daunting and complex entries in the Monster Hunter series. The stripped-down version offers an all-new experience that allows players to enjoy the thrill of the hunt without having to worry about figuring out too many complex mechanics. It’s a great way for new players to get acquainted with the series, and for veteran hunters to take on something fresh.